Colección: Tomás Munita


Tomás Munita (Chile, 1975) es un fotógrafo documentalista independiente con principal interés en asuntos medioambientales y sociales.

Tomás ha ganado varios premios, algunos de ellos son: 

- Polk Photography Award, for his work on the Plight of the Rohingya, 2018

- 4 World Press Photo awards. Two in 2006, 2013 and 2017

- Photojournalist of the Year. NPPA 2017

- Award of Excellence, Photographer of the Year, Poyi ,2017

- Gabriel Garcia Marquez Award, with his work on Patagonian Cowboys. 2015

- Excellence in Feature Photography, Society of Publishers in Asia. The Plight of the Rohingya. 2015 

- Chris Hondros Fund Award. 2013

- LatinAmerican Photographer of the Year Poy(Latam), 2013

- 2nd price Photographer of the Year Poy(International), 2013

- Visa D´or Daily News  (France) for his coverage of the Syrian conflict.  2012

 - All Roads by National Geographic (US), with his work Lost Harvest, Death of Loa River. 2010

- Finalist for Global Vision Award (US), with Lost Harvest, Death of Loa River. 2010

- Henri Nannen Preis in (Germany), with his work Island of Sorrow published by Geo. 2010

- Rodrigo Rojas de Negri, Santiago. Chile. 2007

- Leica Oskar Barnack Award (Germany), with the story Kabul – Leaving the Shadows.  2006

- ICP Young Photographer Infinity Award (US). 2005